Full body massage

Massage of the shoulder and scapula in a lying position on the stomach

Massage of the trapezius muscle in the position of lying on the side

Lower back and gluteal muscle massage

Massage of the quadrate muscle in the side position

Buttock massage in side position

Massage of the medial gluteal muscle, lateral ligaments of the thighs and hip muscles

Massage of the muscles of the front part of the thigh

Lower leg muscle massage

Massage of the muscles of the front part of the lower leg

Passive movements of the ankle joints

Foot massage

Massage of the iliopsoas and diaphragm muscles

Massage of the large and small pectoral and subclavian muscles

Massage of the muscles of the neck of the spine

Massage of the muscles of the upper part of the body in a sitting position

Hawaiian "Lomi-Lomi" massage