Kinesiology Taping

Currently the most popular taping methods in the world are kinesiological taping and dynamic taping.

The common characteristic of both taping versions is self-adhesive elastic bandage that can be applied to the body. In some sense this bandage imitates human skin. The materials which the tapes consist of are created for the least possible allergic reaction. In these bandages there is no medication, since the correct tape appliance should give an impulse for the body and for the specific area a self-healing stimulation, which helps to avoid unjustified and over-exaggerated medicinal treatment.

Kinesiological taping

Characteristics of kinesiological bandages:

-                 The thickness corresponds with the average skin thickness of a human body;

-                 It stretches lengthwise only 55-60% from the initial size;

-                 The sticky surface is covered in acrylic glue, which is hypoalergic and warmth activating. Theoretically , after removing the tape there should be no glue remaining on the skin, but practically that does not occur due to the dust flying in the air, the stratum corneum of epithelial cells peeling off and the patient undergoing active rehabilitation.

-                 The bandage is in different colours- colour therapy;

-                 It can be made wet, respectively, there can be occurrences of washing in the bath, shower or even sauna, only it needs to be done gently;

-                Theoretically the kinesiological tape does its functions in 3-5 days I possibly longer

-                 The foundational key is precisely located elastic fibers, which have a unique structure which reminds a fingerprint. It is necessary to take in account that fibres are sensitive to the heat of hair-dryers or any other "heater". After putting heat to the bandage the patient experiences the previous symptom regeneration.

-                 Due to the lack of discomfort the patient's companionship improves.

-                 Low costs in comparison to the achievable effect.

The functions of kinesiological bandages:

-                 Improvement of the microcirculation- both in the capillary blood flow, and lymphatic circulation, removal of edema;

-                 Increase of pain;

-                 Improvement in the muscular movements;

-                 Strengthening of the supporting apparatus of the joints.

Improvement of the microcirculation occurs as the tape lifts the epidermis off of the top subcutaneous fascia, therefore expanding the microcapillaries and lymphatic vessels located in the under skin. On the problem area (edema, muscle with frequent cramps, joint inflammation, post-operation period, etc.) the "edema pump" is placed and it is operated by active movements done by the patient. As a result the patient in the place of application feels a warm sensation, because at the same time the capillary blood flow is working.

If the tape is applied in the intended technique and the patient does active movement in the problem area, in the application place during movement the skin's mechanic sensor stimulation is achieved. In such way the painful structure rehabilitation for the patient is greatly relieved, because the pain disturbs joint movement to its full potential.

By improving the patients ability to move and by giving time to adjust (usually till three application sessions), after the bondage removal they fell as good as with the tapes. Patient's companionship is also improved by colour therapy. In every colour in nature creates a magnetic field and a vibration of some sorts, or also sound fluctuations fluctuate in the liquid environment of a cell and changes its metabolism process. How exactly these metabolism processes are affected and what is the biochemical explanation in regards to each colour tone, cannot be found in literature. Because of this reason, during the tape appliance, there are always diverse colours of tapes accessible, so the patient could choose the one they prefer the most.

Dynamic taping

The leading benefits of dynamic tape is to preserve and strengthen the movements in joints, which help to relax the injured and damaged muscles. This preserved energy the muscle uses on an increased load.

The characteristics of dynamic tape:

-        It stretches in all directions;

-        It can stretch to a 100% from its initial state;

-        It has a much higher ability to maintain its flexibility, which provides its strength;

-        The bondages can be applied on top of each other so create a much stronger traction, if necessary; 

-        Created to maintain the mechanical movements of the body, which provides the correct execution of movement;

-        Its maximal flexibility remains for 10 days;

-        They are applied by T the principle of levers, thinking from a biomechanical point of view.

The functions of dynamic tapes: 

-       To ease work on muscles and reduce stress on damaged tissues. By relaxing the muscles, energy is stored, which helps the muscles return to their normal functional state more quickly;

-       It can help weak, injured or overworked muscles, change movement patterns (movement stereotypes) and body position;

-       The dynamic plaster does not restrict movement, but improves its quality;

-        Enhances stability and strength;

-       Improves microcirculation and reduces oedema;

Description of the process:

-        If there is hair on the area to be treated, it is shaved off or removed with a hair trimmer. The hairs can change the tape's adhesion point, irritate the hair roots and cause pain on removal due to pulling out of the hair roots.

-        The skin is cleansed.

-       A special glue is sprayed on the application surface (for dynamic taping, in some cases also for kinesiological taping) to ensure better grip of the tape to the skin.

-        The limb or body part that needs to be applicated is placed in the appropriate position for successful application and better performance.

-        The tape is rubbed or pressed with hand movements, which allows the tape to warm up slightly and the glue to activate better.

-        Teipus drīkst slapināt, bet ar mēru, neilgi noskaloties dušā.

-        A damp tape may be towel-dried and left to dry on its own. Drying with a hairdryer or other such appliances is not suitable, as it will deform the tape and cause it to lose its elasticity.

-        With increased perspiration, edges caught by clothing, dirt getting under the tape, its resistance and ability to stick will be reduced.

-       The tape may be removed after an appropriate time, unless otherwise instructed by the therapist, or, if the glue has adhered too strongly, a special spray is applied to neutralise the glue.

-        Remaining traces of glue can be removed with warm water and soap, an alcohol wipe or oil.

-        Depending on the specific nature of the disease or injury, a repeated taping may be necessary.

Taping is not performed:

-       If allergic reaction is observed in previous times of applications,

-       There is skin damage or open wounds,

-       There is a general edema;

-       In case of an acute thrombosis ,

-       Heart and kidney failure,

-       Tissue congestion.